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 Create a Proclip(tm) window from one which was saved to a DBV file.


    V_WNDCREAT(  <cPointer>, [<cAlias> | <nArea>] )  ->   nPCWhandle


    <cPointer> is a six byte pointer-field (FlexFile's version of a

    <cAlias> or <nArea> is a DBV file alias or area specified with
    V_USE() or V_SELECT(). If omitted, the operation will occur in the
    current DBV area.


    If V_WNDCREAT() is successful, it will return a valid Proclip
    window "handle".  Otherwise, it will return 0.


    V_WNDCREAT() will re-create a Proclip window that was previously
    stored in a DBV file with the V_REPLACE() function.  The window
    will have all the attributes of the original window with the single
    exception that it will not be opened even if it was open when it
    was saved.

    In order to open or modify the window, you will need the Proclip
    library from Genesis Development Corporation.  It is one of the
    finest windowing libraries available.


    // Create a Proclip window using the Proclip library.
    handle = WNDCREATE( 10, 20 )

    // Put some junk on the window.
    FOR x = 1 TO 10
       WNDPRINT( handle, x - 1, 0, "this is a test" )
    NEXT x

    // Show the user the window.
    WNDOPEN( handle )

    // Save the window to the DBV file open in the current area.
    // Note the necessity to "type" the replace (i.e. the 4th parameter).
    REPLACE vlf WITH V_REPLACE( handle, vlf, .t., 'P' )

    // Close and then destroy the window.
    WNDCLOSE( vlf )
    WNDDESTROY( vlf )

    // Now re-create the same window.
    handle = V_WNDCREAT( vlf )

    // Re-display the window
    WNDSHOW( handle )

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